
(c) Sophie Roeder

1. Advertising as a reflection of society?

Advertising is omnipresent: direct mail, advertising posters on the roadside, flat screens in subways and trams, advertisements in daily newspapers and magazines, cinema and television commercials or pop-up windows on the homepage of your email provider.

2. Spam

The most intense form of advertising is so-called “spam”, which usually occurs in the form of unwanted emails sent in large quantities. Are there still people who fall for spam? Are there still real people behind the mails, videos and sound clips, or has the generation and sending of spam become independent long ago?

3. Spam as basis for a play?

What if you take advertising texts seriously and treat them like Dadaist poems? Is it possible to turn spam into meaningful speech and counter-speech? Is it possible to draw conclusions about the current state of a society from its junk (mail)?

The “Spam!” project wants to pursue these questions by processing current spam advertising texts theatrically…


Ute Benz, Tobias Beyer, Elias Ehrlich, Kristin Fabig, Alisa Gilmutdinova, Konstantin Käfer, Tina Markmann, Peter Retzlaff, Manuela Villing, Naomi Webster-Grundl


Band: Zucker aus Konvention

Director/Dramaturgy: Sina Schmidt

Sounds: Simon Rienäcker

Visuals: Denny Koch, Niklas Dünger


Performances: June 6th/8th 2014 ,Casino FH Potsdam | September 6th 2014, theaterforum kreuzberg


Kindly supported by o2 Think Big, Ambion GmbH, TLT EVENT AG, Blue Media Berlin, Spice Events Berlin, Casino FH Potsdam, theaterforum kreuzberg, KuZe Potsdam, Karin S.